Airsoft team from South Bohemia (Písek)
1. Czech Humanitary Force
12.12.2010 - Přidány fotky za rok 2010
27.9.2010 - Tým 1.CHF je registrován na akci BOSNA 2010 v prostoru VVP Oldřichov, pokud má někdo zájem přidat se pod náš tým ať nás kontaktuje
17.9.2010 - přidána kategorie výstroj
27.1.2010 - vytvořeno
30.8.2009 - Jsme na Facebooku :) - Můžete nás navštívit zde
1.8.2009 - Ozval se nám nový uchazeč o členství. Probíhá jednání.
He is young and strong and time will seem long while he does what he has to do.
He was trained to fight
But he won't use that right
When wearing a beret of Blue.
It doesn't make sense
On his side of the fence.
To play a role he did not choose.
When out on patrol he must keep control with a gun he cannot use.
He is some mothers son and not much can be doneExcept pray he'll come through.
As he does his best
To survive the test
And bring home his Beret of Blue.
By Jim MacMillan-Murphy, written in Cyprus